YANG Jiang-min1,2, HUANG Geng-zhi2, XUE De-sheng2 |
1. School of Geography and Tourism, Jiaying University, Meizhou 514011, China; 2. School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510006, China |
Abstract Regional environmental governance is an important research topic in the era of globalization. However, existing studies have mainly focused on the impact of local forces on regional environmental governance, paying less attention to global and local interactions. In addition, research on the role of transnational corporations is insufficient. Taking Dongguan Eco-park as a case study, this paper analyzes the global-local interactive process and mechanism of regional environmental governance from the perspective of actor network. The findings are as follows: 1) Dongguan Eco-park has gone through two different stages: Environmental renovation and environmental optimization. It has been transformed from a highly polluted remote area into an ecological urban area through inter-urban governance within a city. 2) The environmental problems and governance of Dongguan Eco-park are the results of global-local interactions. 3) Local governments and transnational enterprises play a central role in regional environmental governance. The city government led environmental renovation through administrative authority, and transnational enterprises led and supported local enterprises in environmental renovation through market power. These two actors are connected with local enterprises, which promoted the interaction of global-local elements in this region, such as capital, standards, ideas, and technology.
Received: 05 December 2023
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